
3.3.1 …we can publish continuously updated reports such as this and design validity charts to replace Cedric Price’s static drawings as a design generator of other people’s actions. [8]

3.3.2 …we can therefore do our own ordering, both individually and collectively, using for example the starting points suggested by Cedric in his final say on the matter in 2003 – “I think there are four fields in which the Thinkbelt is useful today” – namely:—

  1. its siting – i.e. for example, the Dukeries, west Nottinghamshire, England
  2. the population it serves – i.e. local residents, students and visitors
  3. its capacity to provide growth and employment – i.e. advanced technical education
  4. its capacity to be relevant – i.e. for activities to change.
Maps showing possible Thinkbelt development in old industrial net between Nottingham and Sheffield – before+after