
2.2 Secondly, we care:—

  • …because, in siting his ideas for an alternative to what he called “the then popular ‘new’ universities (early sixties)” in a hundred square miles in a decaying industrial area of England in north Staffordshire, Cedric created a project which did address the relationship between ‘architecture‘ and ‘complexity‘ within the context of the ‘Thinkbelt now‘, namely, Potteries Thinkbelt.

Cedric has suggested in Non-Plan:—

…Possible Thinkbelt development in old industrial net between Nottingham and Sheffield 30-40 miles (i.e.half length of Los Angeles [7]

Thus we care:—

  • …because the Potteries Thinkbelt study (Cedric’s preferred word) is an incomplete architectural response to the challenge of what can we do:— cf. drawing 64/55.
Potteries Thinkbelt: OVERALL PLAN advanced grid