
Why do we care?

2.1 We care, firstly, and most obviously:—

  • …because we value university education as part of the commons and completely reject the values which cause its depletion;
  • …because so little has been written about the relationship between architecture and complexity in the context of the Thinkbelt now.

Roy Landau, however, has made the connection between architecture and complexity, having written:—

…the complexity view is beginning to provide a new perspective as in Cedric Price’s architecture of approximation…”. [ib.]

and :—

…The Potteries Thinkbelt was a higher educational facility, a term carefully chosen to avoid the use of the word university.

…[Potteries Thinkbelt] questioned most of the cherished establishment premises of university education and substituted in their place, their complete inversion;

…this study goes into the archive […] as one of the most powerful question marks ever placed against the architecture of university education. [5]

Cedric, in addition, has written:—

If we find [the complexing process] difficult then we are becoming too simple – and even less useful. [6]